The Bandits is a band.
The Bandits is a mischief machine.
The Bandits was born from We Are Bandits, a fantastic feminist utopia that occupied the 1300 block of Vine St for two weeks in 2014, built by the artists of Applied Mechanics, their friends and their audiences.
The Bandits didn’t die after the utopia left the 1300 block of Vine.
The Bandits is a Voltron; we come when we are called. Hello!
The Bandits defies categorization- we are a band, an idea, a movement…
The Bandits morph faster than capitalism, faster than appropriation; The Bandits is a chimera.
The Bandits is a polyvocal project.
The Bandits believe in radical love, transparency and accountability — with radical compassion, moving towards transformation of our world and ourselves.
The Bandits are always growing.
The Bandits are polyamorous, messy, diy, empowering.
The Bandits doesn’t believe in the center, rather, is always moving toward the radical center.
The Bandits are queer AF.
The Bandits melt borders, faces and hearts.
The Bandits helps their friends.
The Bandits grow from the soil of Kathleen Hanna, Nadya Tolokonnikova, Patti Smith, Chavela Vargas, Frida Kahlo, Emma Goldman, Angela Davis, intersectional radical anarcho-eco-feminist black power indigenous power trans power femme power act up glow up glisten up.
The Bandits want to dance the revolution with you.
Anyone can be a Bandit.
Girls Rock Philly Benefit
Bourbon and Branch with the Hopefuls for 2016 DNC
Applied Mechanics’ Winter Warmup
The Women’s Way Gala
Philly Democratic Socialists Rock Against Fascism (benefit for victims of Charlottesville domestic terror attack)
Bearded Ladies/William Way Benefit for victims of the Pulse shooting
First Person Arts at First Unitarian Church with Nadya Tolokonnikova of Pussy Riot
Free Philly Fringe Music Festival
Late Night Snacks
Becky Wright
Nic Labadie-Bartz
Aimé Donna Kelly
Maria Shaplin
Melissa Dunphy
Thomas (the TSA) Choinacky
Severin Blake
Adam Kerbel
Emma Goidel
Emily Schuman
MK Tuomanen
Dizzy Sazak
Jessica Hurley
Willem Van Spronsen
Lucas Campbell
Adriano Shaplin
Emma Goldman
Annie Wilson
Kathryn Raines
Bayla Rubin
Cynthia Hopkins