Introducing Our New Production Manager, Natalie Robin!

We are thrilled to announce that Natalie Robin is Applied Mechanic’s new Production Manager. She is a superstar Lighting Designer, UArts Professor, and has many years of Production Management experience. Check out our mini interview with Natalie, and check out her website:

What brought you to the arts?

My parents. They both love theater and we went to a lot of museums, concerts and other live performances growing up. There is a ton of art on the walls at my parent’s house. And I danced for a long time, mostly ballet. My mom’s parents were visual artists. She is a teacher. My dad was an engineer. So it all makes a lot of sense actually.  

Where are you from?

Natalie: Originally, Denville, NJ but I moved to NYC in 1998 and lived there until 2016 

What do you like doing?

Natalie: telling stories. practicing yoga. reading. taking pictures. baking. drinking coffee. being near the water, watching TV 

What are your guilty pleasures? 

Natalie: I don’t really believe in guilty pleasures. We take pleasure in what brings us pleasure! And I don’t want to judge that for anyone :)BUT I LOVE television. A lot. 

What do you like about teaching?

Natalie: I love both the tiny moments (when something clicks for a student) and the big picture of seeing, and helping students see, the path they might take to get where they want to get over there time in school. I like sharing and learning from the students.  

What do you like to shine a light on?

Natalie: literally? just kidding. I am not entirely sure what this means. If this is a question about exposing ways we can make the world better, in a small way: I am committed to diversifying the performance design field and want to find ways to simplify access and facilitate introductions. 

What’s your favorite vacation?

Natalie: My favorite “regular” vacation is to go to a place with coffee, books, and good food. We love to go to Deer Isle, Maine. There’s a theater there that both my partner and I have a deep connection too and sometimes we also just go for fun. It has all of the things I want – quiet, water, coffee, amazing food and a bookstore just on the mainland. 

Would you rather be in the room with 500 tiny puppies or rollerskate in a rink filled with tapioca balls?

Natalie: Rollerskate in a rink filled with tapioca balls!

Awesome Photos of Natalie’s Work:

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