Idiosyncratic Juxtapositions in Stacked Time

The title of this post is cryptic, I know. Its a concept that was birthed at a recent development session. Yes, Applied Mechanics is in development! Wooooohooooo! Recently we have had a series of them, and they have all yielded some seriously mind-meldy awesome stuff. We are not yet sure where it will all land, but we have been throwing lots of ideas up in the air, checking out which ones float.  Here’s some pics of just a few of the little exercises we did:


After this particular session, we went into party mode and invited our new group of associated artists to come join us and toast to our new extended family of Mechanicians.  The official announcement of the Associated Artist roster is coming soon. But lets just say that one of our new coterie is a member of Orbiter 3, and gave us a little dance prompt after everyone shared a little champagne. Needless to say, Becky and Maria sprung into action:

YOU’RE WELCOME ORBITER 3! Well, if you have gotten this far into this non-sensical post, then let me take this opportunity to say that YOU MUST COME TO OUR PARTY ON SATURDAY.  The dancing may look a lot like this, and then again it might look a lot more like an induction ritual into a hedonistic cult. Come dressed up!

XOXOXO Applied Mechanics.


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