Ses Voyages Sauvages

A young girl leaves her prairie home and travels, through forest, desert, mountain, and ocean, to the Arctic. Her sister, worried for her safety, sets off in her wake. A woodsman discovers the wider world. A mountain hermit nurses a broken heart. An aquatic traveler seeks land and love. An arctic explorer listens for songs and other signs of life in the wind and ice of the tundra. In this travel epic, different homes are left and sought and different quests carry unlikely adventurers forward.
Performed in March 2010 in West Philly. The biomes of this world—prairie, desert, forest, cave, mountain-range, ocean, Arctic—were built into the rooms of a two-bedroom apartment. The story was performed in a loop.
City Paper
“To transform five rooms into different terrains, the set designer made a smart decision in employing materials commonly found around the apartment. The living room was transformed into the Arctic with cardboard boxes painted white and plastic tarps, the kitchen became a mountain range of elaborate papier-mâché, and other locales were constructed with fabric and converted furniture.”
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